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Jual Resin Amberjet Untuk PLTU | Jual Resin Kation Anion

Jual Resin Amberjet Untuk PLTU | Resin Penukar Ion Amberjet

Spesifikasi resin amberjet 4000 cl
Ion Exchange Resin Amberjet 4000 Cl adalah resin anion type Strong digunakan sebagai media Media Demineralizer (Anion).

Matrix : Styrene divinylbenzene copolymer
Functional groups : -N+ (CH3 ) 3
Physical form : Insoluble, yellow transparent beads
Ionic form as shipped : Cl-
Total exchange capacity : >=1.3 eq/L (Cl-)
Moisture holding capacity : 49~55% (Cl-)
Specific gravity : 1.06 ~ 1.08 g/ml(Cl-)
Stacking density : 670 g/L

Resin Amberjet Yang Lain:
  • Amberjet 1200 Na strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin (replaced by Amberjet 1000Na or Dowex Marathon C)
  • Amberlite IR100 Na strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite IR120 Na strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin

For the demineralisation of water (counter-current):

  • Amberjet 1200 H strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 1200 Na strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4200 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4400 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin (Replaced by Amberjet 4500 Cl)
  • Amberjet 4600 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite 200C Na strong acid, macroporous cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite 252RF H strong acid, macroporous cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA402 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA402 OH strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA405 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA410 Cl strong basic, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA67RF weak base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRC86RF weak acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA96RF weak base, macroporous anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA 404 Cl strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin (Replaced by Amberlite IRA 405 Cl)
  • Amberlite IRA458RF Cl strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA478RF Cl strong/weak base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA900RF Cl strong base, macroporous anion type 1 exchange resin Amberlite IRA958 Cl strong base, gel-type macroporous anion exchange resin Amberlite IRC76 (Replaced by Dowex MAC-3)
  • Amberlite IRC86RF strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite RF14 Inert Polymer (Replacing Dowex IF-59)

For stratified beds:

  • Amberjet 1500 H strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4400 Cl strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRC86SB strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberlite IRA96SB weak base, macroporous anion exchange resin

For Ambersep applications:

  • Amberjet 1500 H strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4200 Cl strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Ambersep 252 H strong acid
  • Ambersep 359 Inert Replacing Monosphere 600BB
  • Ambersep 900 OH strong base, macroporous anion exchange resin
  • Ambersep 900 SO4 strong base, macroporous anion exchange resin   
For mixed bed applications:

  • Amberjet 1200 H strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin Replaced by Amberjet 1000H, Dowex Marathon C
  • Amberjet 1600 H strong acid, gel-type exchange resin Replacing Dowex Monosphere 650 HXC(H)
  • Amberjet UP1400 strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 1500 H strong acid, gel-type cation exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4200 Cl strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin
  • Amberjet 4400 OH strong base, gel-type anion exchange resin, replaced by Amberjet 4500
  • Amberjet 9000 OH strong base, macroporous anion exchange resin (Replacing)
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan hubungi:
0821 4000 2080 (Fajri)
0812 2445 1004 (Kartiko)

0813 2259 9149 (WA)


Jika Anda membutuhkan media filter untuk Water & Gas Treatment, silakan kunjungi web official Ady Water di:

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Untuk kebutuhan produk dan jasa pengolahan limbah, silakan kunjungi web official Ady Wastewater di:

Untuk kebutuhan lampu UV Sterilisasi air dan Ozone Generator, silakan kunjungi web official Ady Lab di:


Kantor Pusat Bandung:
Jalan Mande Raya No. 26, RT/RW 01/02 Cikadut-Cicaheum, Bandung 40194

Kantor Cabang Jakarta:
Jalan Kemanggisan Pulo 1, No. 6, RT/RW 01/08, Kelurahan Pal Merah, Kecamatan Pal Merah, Jakarta Barat, 11480

Kantor Cabang Jakarta 2:
Jalan Tanah Merdeka No. 80B, RT.13/RW.5 Rambutan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur 13830


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